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OBMeet for Government Institutions

Just like the private sector, government organizations are also faced with making better management decisions, faster, and with few resources.

Mobility and Flexibility

No longer does a meeting have to be delayed as a result of travel and time restrictions that are imposed on in-person conferencing solutions. No longer can a key player be excluded from contributing his/her knowledge due to a conflicting schedule or geographical distance.

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Increased collaboration among government departments has only been possible via video conferencing. Each and every department is nowadays aware of the progress of projects and the roles of associates involved.

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Reduced Travel Cost

Video conferencing allows employees to cut back on travel, which is a significant expense, costing more than $15 billion annually. To ensure efficient travel spending, agencies are encouraged to devise strategic alternatives to Government travel.

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Reasons Why Government Should Adopt OBMeet

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Healthy Work Life

Remote Work

The remote work environment reduces the work-induced stress, it allows staff members more flexibility to deal with personal or family issues (while still remaining connected), and also saves valuable money (and time) spent commuting.

2 Better collaboration


Government video conferencing allows workers to collaborate with one another seamlessly and securely. An increased number of government employees are in the fields, serving citizens directly, going about to combat crisis situations, tracking the progress of their regions or attending important meetings.

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3 Efficient Use of Man Hours

Travel Cost

Traveling, commuting and schedule difficulties usually cost more as compared to direct capital. For instance, a bailiff who's transferring a prisoner to a given meeting or even a lawyer charging for his/her time to travel are certainly entitled to a certain amount of compensation. This reduction in travel costs saves money, making it one of the most important benefits of video conferencing for government.

4 Better public interactions


Government video conferencing has bridged the gap between the rulers and the ruled. With video conferencing, public sectors representatives are now able to communicate directly with the public, answer their questions and also explain their own stands. This will certainly work well to sort out mass grievances.

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5 Cost-effective legal processes

Legal Processes

Videoconferencing in the justice system allows the government to save a significant amount of the taxpayer's money. Using video conferencing can eliminate the need for transporting inmates from the prison to the courthouse during trials. In addition, public defenders can also communicate efficiently with their customers on matters like inmate bail applications, hearings and several other nominated court matters, without necessarily having to travel.

6 First response and public safety communications

Public Safety

During this coronavirus pandemic, it is critical that departments evaluate their communications posture and take steps to ensure the right resources, mitigation strategies, and video conferencing platforms and other tools are in place to manage uncertainties. Innovative thinking and rapid adaptation of procedures will enable departments to safeguard themselves and their communications during the outbreak.

* COVID-19 Guidance for Public Safety Communications and 911 Centers

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Reduce the overall costs of operation

Government video conferencing can certainly take care of all these requirements while still reducing the overall costs of operation.

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